Write Right


Did you write your New Year’s resolution? This year it is more so important as the whole of 2020 has gone by throwing challenges of survival for one and all due to the global pandemic.
This year is going to be challenging. You have to write a resolution and try your best to stick to it. It will demand you being more organized, more focused with least distractions, utilize your time with double productivity.

I will suggest the most primary and productive change. Drop your keyboard, move away from your system, pick up your favorite pen. This may sound strange but I will tell you handwriting has great positive effects on the state of your mind along with having several other benefits.

Handwriting will help you in keeping yourself more organized
Short post notes, scribbled notes, notes sometimes written on any paper you could lay hands on, these often get lost and are difficult to find when needed. SO, it is better to have a small handy notebook on which you can write with your pen. You never know your idea could get lost if not noted down at the right time. Moreover, you can create your daily to-do list. Keep it at a place may be at your bedside table or slip it into your bag.

You can review your to-do list every morning strike o the ones done and add this of importance. The items crossed to give a sense of achievement and are great motivators to surge ahead more purposefully.

Handwriting always increases your Focus
It usually happens you sit in front of your computer to finish an important assignment, but you end up browsing unwanted and non-related pages on the internet. The internet is a great thing but has the potential to distract you more than often. I would suggest better pick up your pen and a nice sheet of paper and write down what you intend to write. You know when you write with your hand rather than a keyboard, your thoughts are more creative.

Handwriting Improves Cognitive level
It has been seen that when new thoughts, ideas, or even notes by students are handwritten, quality of content is always very good. Moe over with least distractions the continuity in your creativity is never disrupted. Word processing, thinking and ultimately better retention are few great cognitive advantages of Handwriting. The technology may have a distinct advantage over the pen when it comes to speed, but it can hardly match the pen’s ability to enhance creativity.

Enhanced Memory
A handwriting note is always better remembered that the one typed on the keyboard. Moreover, it has been proved in medical research that handwriting improves neuroplasticity, i.e. handwriting enhances one’s ability to learn new things.

Augmented Creativity
The worst situation is when you spend an hour in front of your laptop just thinking and not being able to write down something creative or interesting. This often happens. The best way of getting out of this is to pick up your pen and paper and start writing. Start with simple scribbling or sketching or doodles, the thoughts would soon start flowing.

With the pace that you reproduce word on a paper with your pen is always slower than that you would if you were to use a keyboard. This gives the writer a distinct advantage of getting more time to frame the words and sentences and also additional time to think. Usually, it is said that if you are at a loss of words, better take a deep breath, get some fresh Oxygen and start thinking. The results will always be better.

All said and done, whatever we have discussed above ultimately requires one to write with his/her hand with a pen or pencil on a paper. This is a very demanding thing in today’s scenario when everybody is so used to writing through keyboards. Secondly, the quality of handwriting is also a huge hindrance in picking up a pen and paper to jot down the thoughts.

I would suggest you would better join a crash course of Handwriting Improvement with some expert. This will not only enable you to improve the legibility in your handwriting but also revive your lost interest in using a pen. And if you are in a creative business you would better give it a quick thought.

I can refer you to Write Right, a Handwriting company. They have several handwriting-related programs that could be of your interest.

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