Good Handwriting Tips

Our teams of Handwriting experts, in their Research and during the Training, have identified more than 56+ types of errors that people make while writing. Based on these observations, the team provides Good Handwriting Tips to people to help repair their handwriting.

Find Style of Your Handwriting
There are various styles of writing like print, italics, cursive, etc., but the thing is the consistency in one’s handwriting. It means if one writes in cursive, one should maintain continuity. It should not blend two or more different styles while writing. Maintaining the sanctity of the style (you have chosen to use) your legibility increases, which also portrays a positive impression on the reader.
Maintain Uniform Size & Shape
Every letter has a size and definite shape; you must maintain this for proper readability. Delivering the correct message, i.e., reducing the chances of misreading your message becomes possible when the letters are framed in their actual zones (upper, middle, and lower) without distortion. Whenever you write or create a letter, make sure it is read as you want it to be.
Keep your Slants Uniform
Some people have slants in their handwriting. These can be either on the left side or right side. Extreme slants on the left cause overlapping, while those in the right slant leave no or less space for the following letter to be written. Extremes of both sides of slants affect the readability of the words or sentences. Either left or right, all slants are correct. But, avoid extremes and maintain a consistent angle of slants.
Spacing Between Letters & Words
nadequate spacing can make writing clumsy. Letters tend to overlap if squeezed in. The overlapping results into the letters losing their individuality. The word may become illegible or may be misread resulting into miscommunication. This creates a negative image of the writer in the mind of the readers. The spacing should always be optimum between the letters and words by ensuring that the individuality of every letter is maintained.
Correct your Letter Formation
The legibility of any handwriting depends a lot on the correct formation of the letters. Weather Print or Cursive writing, each letter should be readable as a part of the word and individually. The prescribed shape of the letters must be followed to avoid them from being misread. Need be revisit the basics learnt during primary school and get the formation corrected.
Maintain speed & legibility
Write with confidence when you write with speed. This is particularly important for students when they take down notes in class. A conscious effort of maintaining legibility with speed will ensure that your handwriting never becomes a cause for loss of marks in exams. Moreover this also helps you in delivering quality content every time you write.

Based on the above Handwriting tips, analyze your Handwriting, starting with uniformity in the shape & size of the letters & words, the slant in your writing, the spacing between letters and the words, etc. You would be able to identify what exactly needs to be corrected in your Handwriting. By correcting these, you would certainly be able to improve the legibility of your Handwriting.

Improve your Handwriting within 7 to 10 days.