
The Almighty PEN

When the children type on the keyboard, they are simply touching the keys on the board and this does not have any noticeable impact on the brain regarding shape and size of letters, like it happens in the case of writing.   Of course writing in pen takes lesser time than typing on the keyboard. B…


Handwriting As A Business Opportunity

During the child’s education, handwriting plays an imperative role in its characterization. Right from the beginning, a child is made to write well, neat and tidy. Good handwriting skills in children benefit them in incalculable ways, while illegible handwriting brings many drawbacks with itself.…


Handwriting Enhances A Child

The effect…   The Solution…   Enhanced handwriting skills involves cognizant involvement of brain and results into increased focus on the subject. It is a proven fact that things when written are remembered effectively for a longer time. Therefore, one should not be negligent towards handwrit…


Calligraphy As A Hobby

Calligraphy is a form of handwriting that is more like a leisure activity for those who have love for art and designs. It is a refreshing activity and relieves people from stress.   Calligraphy is more than just a form of art. It is a reflection of the ancient culture which can be seen everywh…


Good Pencil Grip Drives Good Handwriting

A good pencil grip is a habit that should necessarily be implemented right from an early age. A good grip is the one that holds the pencil (or pen) in between the thumb and index finger with right amount of pressure, the middle finger supporting the pencil from back, and the remaining two fingers (…